Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tuesday 7-22-08

Had to post something so, here's a CFQOTD:

The squat is the key to strength and conditioning. It is the sine qua non of barbell exercises. I usually go so far as to tell new trainees that if they are not going to squat, they should not even bother to train. No other exercise changes so many things about the body in so short a time as the squat. To omit squats because some uninformed fool said they were "bad for your knees" indicates that you probably didn’t want to do them anyway, so it's just as well." - Mark Rippetoe


Manda said...

30 Lunges w/ 10 lbs
30 Sit-Ups
30-Jumping Pull-ups
30-Overhead Squats (with broomstick)