Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!

T-dub's WOD from last night:


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Post time to comments.

From Brand X:

Before everyone gets their collective panties in knot, if you cannot do a proper deadlift, your Elizabeth should be hang cleans. No reason to do a ballistic deadlift if you cannot deadlift correctly. If your front squat sucks, then you should do a power clean. Again if you cannot front squat the weight you have chosen well for reps it will not get better under a ballistic load. Finally if your deadlift stinks and your front squats sucks you should do hang power cleans. Don’t be stupid.

And for everyone who thinks this has to be done with cleans pulled from the ground and received in a squat I have a video of Greg A. from 2004 doing “Elizabeth” with hang power cleans. Just pick the kind of clean and note it. Don’t get all uppity because you think you are doing it “RIGHT”.

“nuff said?

Big Dawgs:
As Rx’d
Women 95#

scale the weight to 95-115# for men/55-75 for women
If you can’t do ring dips do 2X the bar dips

Dumbbell cleans
Bar Dips
If you can’t do do bar dips do 1.5X the number bench dips.

Dumbbell cleans
Bench Dips


Steve said...

T-dub did:
10# med ball cleans
Bench dips

8:34 secs

Followed by a Tababta Row.

Thank you and Happy Cinco De Mayo

Renee said...

Did this today.

Buttercup Time: 4:34
Dumbbell Thrusters
Bench Dips
2x15 lbs for the first two sets of Dumbbell Thrusters, then had to lower to 2x12 lbs for the last set).

Steve said...

Warm up:
Burgener warm up
Light Cleans

21-15-9 Power Cleans @ 95lbs.
42-30-18 Bar Dips

Need to get faster at this one!

21-15-9 Squat Cleans @ 65lbs.
42-30-18 Bar Dips

Good job on the full cleans babes!!!

This WOD really showed us what we're made of...and it's not too good... :(