Thursday, January 7, 2010

Balance, Speed, and Strength


Overhead Squat
Rest 2-5min.
"Death By Tabata"

Perform: Tabata Deadlift and Burpee

*Start the clock and perform as many reps as possible for 20 seconds of deadlifts. Rest 10 seconds. Then perform as many burpees as possible in 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat this 14 more times for a total of 16 sets. Your score is counted by the total number of reps in 16 sets; 8 alternating sets of deadlifts and burpees .
*The entire workout should take 8 minutes.

Picture: April - awesome form on her Sumo Deadlift High Pulls.


CrossFit Bako is doing the "FOG RUN" this Saturday @ 9am out at Lake Ming. Come out and join us and represent!!!