Friday, July 10, 2009

Good morning from Monterey!

7am WOD @ CrossFit Monterey:

For time:
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Weighted Sit-ups

Men 95lbs./Women 65lbs. for SDHP's
Men 25lbs. for sit-ups/ Not sure what women's weight was but Manda used 25lbs.

Hold 25lb. plate or dumbbell to chest while performing sit-ups

Manda: 6:05 @ 70lbs. SDHP's - as rx'd +5 lbs!!!
Steve: 7:02 as rx'd!!!

We felt good after this one. Manda did 5 more lbs. than rx'd for women and Steve did 95lb. SDHP's for the first time! Maybe cause we knew we had to represent Bako!!! CF Monterey is going to have a tent @ the games and invited us to hang with them. Will post full reports of the chaos along the way! Have fun!!!