Thursday, August 6, 2009

Everyone needs to read this post by CrossFit Ventura!!!

When you first start CrossFit, getting a big PR on your workouts is almost an automatic. Your fitness level increases so much every time you repeat a WOD that even without too much effort, you will be able to beat your previous time.

This can last for quite a while. Coming in with no experience with strength and conditioning, you can even possibly expect to continue this for a good 3-4 years (only as long as your nutrition is solid!) But eventually "PR Heaven" ends; PRs will no longer come as often nor as easily. They will still come, but the frequency will be strongly dependent on the mind set you bring that day.

If you come in and think that you will perform poorly, you will perform poorly. If you look at a weight and think it's going to be too heavy, it will be. If you think you will always suck at running, you will always suck at running. Every single time! It is so common to see someone look at the board, only to groan and shake their head. I see it every day, and it's upsetting because I know what that mindset will do to their performance.

Next time you come in, come in knowing you will crush whatever is written on the board. If you're not ready to crush a workout, do not come in! Then, right before you start the workout, tell yourself, "I will do whatever it takes to get a PR!" and do it. "PR Heaven" doesn't ever have to end as long as you take care of your body and develop the mindset of a champion!


hedge said...

I'm still in PR heaven, but I'm learning that I'm training my will as much - or more - than my body. When it's round three of five, and I'm totally gassed, my body can still continue and I know it. But the guy inside has to be able to live with the discomfort, stand up and tell the body to get a move on. The guy inside is in training as much as the guy on the outside. Low intensity workouts don't do that!

Steve said...

Great insight Hedge! Thanks for posting!