Monday, August 31, 2009

Never fear...your trainers are here!

Hi everybody! We had an awesome trip to the coast for Manda's b-day and even dropped in on CrossFit Inferno in San Luis for their Saturday WOD:

"Tabata Lift and Pull"

Alternating Tabata rounds of:
L-pull ups

Perform 20-sec of Deadlifts followed by 10-sec of rest, then 20-sec of L-pull ups...and then back to Deads...and so on... 8 rounds for a total of 8 min.


Rest 10min.
100m sprints on the minute for 10 minutes.

It was a great workout. I used 185#'s for the Deads and Manda used 155#'s as rx'd for females! She kicked butt on the runs as well, prompting one of the other girls in the class to ask her if she was a "gnarly track star". :)

Now on to today's WOD:

Front Squat

Rest 5min.

4 rounds for time of:
Max rep Push-ups
Max rep Pull-ups
25 Good mornings
Run 200m

Max reps = to failure, so for Push-ups it would be until you can't physically do another one without rest. For Pull-ups it means until you can't physically do another one without rest or when you drop off the bar. Pull-up subs are Ring Rows or Beginner. NO jumping for this one.

Post loads and times to comments.

Picture: Lisa during her weighted overhead lunges. Anybody see the Easter Egg? :)