Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Today is Manda's 30th birthday! And here is the WOD she has picked. It's the final event from the CrossFit Games...and it's sick.

Rx'd Female/Male weight or reps

15 reps 100/155lb BB squat clean
30 Toes to bar
30 Box jumps 20/24" box
10/15 Muscle ups
30 PushPress /PushJerk 25/40lb DBs
30 Double Unders
15 reps 95/135lb Thruster
30 Pullups
30 Burpees
300' OH Walking lunge with 25/45lb plate

Scale loads and movements accordingly. If you cannot do muscle ups do a progression of them, or a 4 to 1 ratio of pull-ups and dips.

Picture: The birthday girl practicing her weighted overhead walking lunges.


Manda said...
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Mamasita Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Sunshine! Love Mom

Manda said...

95# BB Squat Cleans
Sub 30 dips for 10 muscle ups
24inch box jumps
All else Rx'd
