Thursday, October 8, 2009

What are your goals?

Someone in the morning class asked me today, "What are we supposed to be getting from this stuff anyway, besides sore muscles..." That's a good question. My answer off the top of my head was, "Well, hopefully you're getting stronger, faster, healthier, more coordinated, overall more 'fit' then when you started..." Now, I could've rambled off a whole bunch of sh*t about the 10 general physical skills, and how the way to get from 'sickness' to 'wellness' is 'fitness, but I didn't. It really got me thinking though. So, I have to ask all of you, "Why are you CrossFit?" I'm CrossFit because I found it and it's changed my life. I love it. I love the fact that I will be strong and fit for the rest of my life. That's what this is guys and gals. This is for life! The changes that happen to your body are a side effect. I want you all to have a better quality of life! To be 'well' and not 'sick'. To do things you never thought you could because you weren't strong enough, or fast enough, or agile enough. I want you to say to your coworkers when they complain about how hard work is today, "Hard, you have no idea what the Filthy Fifty is like." CrossFit will change you. Physically and mentally, but you'll only get out of it what you put in. Just like your body or your can't put in junk and expect it to run well...

So, what matters most is what YOU want. And what you want to get from CrossFit. I want all of you to think about that and post to comments. Think of your fitness goals and put them up here for all of us to see. We can help you achieve them, but we have to know what they are. And if YOU don't know what they are perhaps it's time to figure that out.

I told someone yesterday that I want to deadlift 400lbs. If I can do that...I will be happy. Well, as happy as I can be until I can pick up 420lbs. anyway...

"Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways." - Stephen Vincent Benét

Picture: Lisa, swinging her way into life long fitness...


hedge said...

Goals, I've got a ton of them. And the amount of time I spend turning over my fitness plan just increases the list. The only one I'll mention here though is this premise: I want to spend a minimum of my life-time in the gym.

Crossfit is the most direct route from A (where I am) to B (where I would rather be), especially with the constraints of my schedule, and the preference I have to living life in the real world, *not* sweating.

Work hard, work fast! Do it all again tomorrow.

Everyone have fun today in the park, sorry I won't be in town to join you all.