Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who's sore? And a note on hydration...


There will be no PM classes this Friday, March 12th.  Please make a note of it. Thank you and good day. Now, on to today's WOD:

1 round for time:  
50 Double Unders  
500 m Run  
50 Double Unders  
500 m Run  
50 Double Unders  
500m Run

Coaches notes: Single Unders are 3x!

Okay guys and gals, I just wanted to remind everyone about hydration. You NEED water! Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE regardless of physical training or lack of, should be drinking at least 'half of the number of pounds that you weigh in ounces' daily.  So, a 160lb. male should be consuming at least 80oz. of water daily.  At least!  If that male was training then it would be more. I know that I personally have a hard time staying hydrated, I just don't think about it until it's too late and my workout sucks... Here's a trick, always have water with you. Carry a bottle, have one on your desk, or in your car, but keep it visible. If you have it where you can see it, you'll drink it. :) 

Picture: Jason F. - Slammin'