Monday, May 10, 2010

Return and Get It

SANKOFA -Andrinki symbol meaning "return and get it"
Literal translation: There is nothing wrong with learning from hindsight.
This symbolizes the Akan's quest for knowledge with the implication that the quest is based on critical examination, and intelligent and patient investigation.
The symbol is based on a mythical bird that flies forwards with its head turned backwards. This reflects the Akan belief that the past serves as a guide for planning the future, or the wisdom in learning from the past in building the future.The Akan believe that there must be movement with times but as the forward march proceeds, the gems must be picked from behind and carried forward on the march.

I've always liked the West African symbol of the Sankofa and I think of it every time I learn one of life's great lessons, like this weekend.  There's nothing like working your a$$ off, only to have it handed to you repeatedly. That hasn't happened to me in a while and sometimes that's what you need before you can get better.  If anyone has looked at the results from the Regional, you'll see that I didn't do that well. Something like 45th out of 53, and I never got that muscle-up.  I took a mental and physical beating all weekend but, I have no regrets. I know that I put everything out there for all of the WODs. There may have been a few little things I could have done differently - but when it comes down to it, I simply wasn't ready.   It's hard to know where you're at for something like this until you just get out there and do it  - and now I know.  I'm so glad I participated as brutal as it was.  I would have gone crazy wondering how I would have done.  I've already started planning on ways to attack all my weaknesses that were exposed this weekend. I was fortunate enough to compete among some of the best and there are so many things that I can take with me as I move forward.

Stayed tuned - we'll be updating the blog soon with specifics and picture of both Art and I. Thank you to everyone for all the support.  I didn't place well - but I've come back better and tougher :)
See you in the gym!!


Gloria Palinsky said...

Well, I give you props for even doing it and I think you were awesome!!!!!! You can only get better! Thanks for letting us come and cheer you on. Again it was a great event and you and everyone else out there are AMAZING athletes! Again you and Steve should be proud!!

Manda said...

Thank you!! I'm so glad you guys came out. There were times I think that was the only thing keeping me going :)

hedge said...

Manda, there's competition against all those Elite athletes out there, and there's competition against that Elite athlete within yourself. How you place against Them will always fluctuate based on how much time you have to train/recover vs them (you do have a day job, don't you?) and lots of other variables... but the telling competition is with that person you were yesterday. Beat her everyday. Everything else will take care of itself as you move forward one training day at a time.

Renee said...

You will always be a winner in my eyes, and you motivate me more than you know!!! Great Job!!!