Thursday, May 6, 2010

This deserves it's own post...

Before I head down to the Southwest Regional this weekend, I want to say ahead of time how much I appreciate everyone(clients, Steve's family, my family)at CrossFit Bako's support and encouragement. Every time I hear someone in our box tell me that I inspire them, that I'm helping them or changing their life - it pushes me even harder to be better myself. Every time a woman adds 5 more pounds to a lift or gets that much closer to a pull-up, I feel like I just PR'd myself. When Steve and I first talked about starting an affiliate, I never imagined I'd be going to a Regional. We just wanted to share CrossFit with others and start building a community here. In the beginning, he even had to convince me that I would like CrossFit - but he knew that he found something amazing and I'm so glad he had the patience to teach me. Now that our community is growing, it's driving us both to improve, keep learning and sharing our knowledge. Everyone knows that what I really want is an affiliate team - and I know we'll have one next year. But for now I want everyone to know that I'm thinking of our box and what I can use from this experience to help us. I'm thinking of Steve and how hard he has worked to help me and how hard he has worked to bring CrossFit to Bakersfield. That's what's driving me. I'm going to represent, I'm going to push as hard as a can, I'm going to leave everything on that field, and I'm going to get those d@mn muscle-ups!!! 3-2-1 GO!!


hedge said...

Manda, you own. Nothing to prove. Everything to experience. Go get it.